Tag Archives: build your own bow

Keep On Keepin’ On, or a Business Person’s Guide to Sanity

4 Jun

Sometimes I feel like the title of this post is my own personal business motto, or personal personal motto for that matter.  “Keep on keepin’ on”. That really just about says it all!  That’s what June is to me 🙂  My month to keep on moving. May proved an interesting month full of graduations, proms, and memorial day vacations (all of these events filled the lives of my two lovely employees). Needless to say I worked out at the kiosk-A LOT.  My goal for June is to stick to my typical schedule, which has me working half days three days a week at the store.

We’ve got a lot of exciting changes on our plate! We’re researching locations for a second kiosk, or possibly a store front.  This is filled with ups and downs as I’ve found a couple spaces I love, but in crap locations. Or vice versa! I’m still pondering it all in my head, but we’ll figure out something workable hopefully in then next six months.  I also don’t want to make that mistake of expanding too fast, spreading ourselves thin. I want this Park Meadows store to be really going like hotcakes totally self-sufficiently before I stick my nose into another one :).

On another exciting side-note, our Etsy shop is now fully stocked. We’ll be adding more sections soon with cute purses and sacks for kids, but other than that there is PLENTY to find there. We’re also expanding our business relationships. I’ve joined an off-Etsy team of fellow-Etsians that’s devoted solely to running a handmade business just like any other CEO in the executive world. Should be interesting to see what changes we make based on that.

We’re also working on an extensive wholesale catalog, which should be available by the end of this month.  Know a cute store in your city or state that should carry our stuff? Let them know! Our email is mamaalwayssaid@yahoo.com. Our wares are currently carried in a couple local stores but we’re looking to expand that as well.

In addition I’d like to announce a subsidiary business to Mama. Is called Build Your Own Bow. We’ve got a fledgling Etsy shop that serves as our storefront for the time being. The products will eventually be added to the Mama website too, but for now you can get them at the kiosk or the BYOB Etsy store. The Build Your Own Bow shop features infant waffle beanies, kufi caps, crochet headbands and more. Eventually we’ll expand that to do-it-yourself tutu kits and more. But for now check out our great selection of colors!

And if you need crafty supplies, if you’re a true do-it-yourselfer, make sure to check out that website!

That’s all for now, many more updates coming soon 🙂 In the mean time stop by and see us at Park Meadows. We’re located between Aveda and Banana Republic, in the most colorful kiosk you’ve ever seen!